Releasing a new Heimdali version

Preliminary checks

Check the conda package can build (on both GNU/Linux and OS X):

conda build conda-recipe/heimdali


Update the changes log file.

Bump version number

Update version number X.X.X in files:

  • conda-recipe/heimdali/meta.yaml
  • libheimdali/heimdali/version.hxx

and commit:

git add conda-recipe/heimdali/meta.yaml libheimdali/heimdali/version.hxx
git commit -m 'Bumped version number to X.X.X'

Tag the new version:

git tag X.X.X

Merge into master

Merge develop into master:

git checkout master
git merge develop

Push to GitHub, with tags:

git push origin --tags develop
git push origin master

Build conda packages

Build and upload the Conda packages for GNU/Linux and OS X.

conda build conda-recipe
binstar upload -u heimdali /path/to/heimdali-X.X.X-X.tar.bz2 # See output of previous command


For portability, GNU/Linux conda packages are built on Centos 5.11, like official conda packages. This can be done on a virtual machine managed by Vagrant, using this box . Conda packages on are tagged with the box version (for example: 0.4.0).