
par prints format parameters of images.


par  [--wr <output.txt>] [--x0] [--y0] [--z0] [-o] [-x] [-y] [-z] [--]
     [--version] [-h] <INPUT> ...


par print on stdout in the file outout.txt, the format parameters of iamges given as arguments.

The –wr options can be given the special file names stdout and stderr. If the file name output.txt starts with >>, result are written at the end of the file.

If one or more options –x0 –y0 –z0 -x -y -z is given, par print the corresponding parameters, in the Format options. This allow to use par in command subsitution, as for example:

create image-copy.h5 `par -x -y image.h5` -r

If no options are given, all format parameters are printed for all images on argument.