Converting INRimage simulation code to ITK

Image definition

The file heimdali/itkhelper.hxx defines the type of an image.

typedef float PixelFloat
const unsigned int ImageDimension

All images are 3-dimensional.

typedef itk::VectorImage< PixelFloat, ImageDimension > ImageFloat

Images are 3-dimensionial, of size (nz, ny, nx).

Images contains nx * ny * nx pixels, and each pixel is a vector of nv value of type float.

nz Number of planes
ny Number of rows
nx Number of columns
nv Number of values per pixel

Internally, the image is stored in a continous block of memory, ie is a float*.


Proving command line interface

Creating image

ImageFloat::Pointer CreateImage(unsigned int nx, unsigned int ny, unsigned int nz = 1, unsigned int nv = 1)

itkhelper.hxx defines the CreateImage function to create an image in the temporary program memory. It does not do any persistant operation on the disk.

For example:

Heimdali::ImageFloat::Pointer image = Heimdali::CreateImage(5,5,5,2);

create a image of 3-dimensional image with 5 planes, 5 rows and 5 columns, where is value is a vector of 2 floats.

The following code:

Heimdali::ImageFloat::Pointer image = Heimdali::CreateImage(5,5);

create a image of 3-dimensional image with 1 planes, 5 rows and 5 columns, where is value is a vector of 1 float.

See the file createInputImage.cxx for a running example.

Read and writting image

Working with the whole image

Working line by line

Working plane by plane

Modifiyting image

Using C pointer

Using wrapped C pointer

Using GetPixel, SetPixel

Using ITK iterators

Using ITK convolution

Using ITK filter