
The recommanded way to install Heimdali is using the Conda package manager.

Conda installation

Download the Python 2.7 version of miniconda corresponding to your plateform from

Execute the downloaded file: this will install the Conda package manager.

Add the dfroger binstar channel to your config:

conda config --add channels

Heimdali installation

Install the heimdali package in a environment called heim or whather name you want:

conda create -n heim heimdali

Activate the environment:

source activate heim

Your are ready to use Heimdali.

Test Heimdali installation

Download some input data to test:

git clone

Execute the par command:

par heimdali-data/imtest_z5_y4_x3_c2.h5

Heimdali update

You can update Heimdali when a new version is released:

conda update heimdali

You may also want to keep the currently installed Heimdali version, and install a new version in another Conda environment:

conda create -n heim0.1 heimdali==0.1.0

You can now switch between the two version of Heimdali:

source activate heim


source activate heim0.1